D. Expected Annual Contract Values


The following financial schedule covers the contract term for 2023/24

Core Services


includes 1.8% uplift

North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership (Scarborough and Ryedale)


North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership (Hambleton, Richmondshire and Whitby)


York Health and Care Partnership*


Total Value




Other Services – Scarborough and Ryedale only

Service Area


includes 1.8% uplift

2nd consultant on Call services 


Pharmacy Support


Hospice Drug Provision


Total Other Services



BCF Funded Services*** - Scarborough and Ryedale Only



includes 1.8% uplift

Nurse led beds



Lymphoedema Services



Integrated Palliative and End of Life Care Service



Total BCF Funded Services



Total Value



Submission of monthly data in the format detailed in Schedule 6A (Activity Report – EOL Contract Data Collection) to aid reconciliation of new service costs.


The total annual value will be paid in four Quarterly payments on receipt of a valid invoice.  Invoices for the total amount covering all Health and Care Partnership contributions should be submitted each quarter in advance to NHS North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership at the following address: 




Reference numbers for invoices: XXZIQMNY




PO BOX 312,



LS11 1HP






*NHS North Yorkshire Health Care Partnership will undertake an internal recharge to the other Health and Care Partnerships as required.  This arrangement will be review at the end of the current contract term or through contract variation if there are any changes to the current inter Health and Care Partnerships mechanism before the current contract end date.

It is acknowledged that Health and Care Partnerships financial contribution does not wholly fund the cost of providing the range of services described in the service specification.



**The responsibility of payment for Hospice high cost drugs is with the Responsible ICB commissioner. The ICB have agreed an indicative budget for payment of Hospice drugs based on pro rata expenditure in 2020/21. This is following the transfer of drug provision and support from York Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation to an Independent pharmacy service provider. While the Hospice maintain the SLA agreement with the new provider, the cost of drugs will be reimbursed on a pass though basis in line with the National guidance on high cost drugs. Actual drug spend will be monitored on a regular basis on an open book approach, with quarterly reconciliation. Adjusting invoices / credit note will be applied following agreed reconciliation against budget following review, validation and agreement of the supporting information.


***BCF services are subject to regular review and evaluation against expected outcomes, in terms of quality, and productivity and financial impact.  As a consequence, ongoing funding for these projects or services is not automatically guaranteed for future years, and will be dependent on health community priority areas for investment